Tag Archives: what is a safety agent

A client may appoint a Construction Health and Safety Agent or Construction Health and Safety Manager based on the scope and risk profile of construction work to represent him/her on matters of health and safety. Provided that, where the question arises as to whether a Construction Health Safety Agent or a Construction Health and Safety Manager is necessary, the decision of an inspector is decisive.- As amended :Construction Regulations  02 June 2017

We assist all clients and developers with legal compliance on projects, by acting as the Clients Health and Safety  Agent. We deliver our services  at the lowest rates in the industry, without compromising on service or quality.

The Client (Construction Project Owner) has the duty, imposed on them by the Construction Regulations 2014, of managing Construction Health and Safety and compliance on their construction project. This requirement is not imposed on projects for the construction of a single story dwelling in which the Client will reside.

Designers and Contractors also have construction health and safety duties to perform on Construction Projects. The Client has the duty to ensure that these and other project appointees (mandataries) perform their respective Construction Health and Safety duties in terms of the Construction Regulations 2014 (as ammended).

The Client may elect to appoint a Construction Health and Safety Agent to act on their behalf. On projects that require a Department of Labour Permit to commence the construction work, the appointment of a Construction Health and Safety Agent is mandatory.

An Agent is a person who acts as a representative of the Client and a Construction Health and Safety Agent has the Construction Health and Safety Duties of the Client imposed on them as Agent.

These duties include ensuring that:

  • The Clients Duties are fulfilled
  • Each Professional and Consultant team member performs their duties
  • Each Contractor performs their duties
  • The Health and Safety of any person entering the site is protected
  • The Health and Safety of any person affected by the construction work is protected
  • Hazards, including ergonomic hazards, associated with construction, operation and maintenance of the structure (building or civil) are controlled

A Construction Health and Safety (CHS) Agent must be registered with the South African Council of Construction and Project Management Professions (SACPCMP)

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